Break-In The Journal of NZART

A total of six issues a year are produced, with the first January/February distributed within the first week of February, and so on.
The close off dates for articles/advertising are:
- 10 January for January/February issue.
- 10 March for March/April issue.
- 20 April for May/June issue. (produced to coincide with the AGM over Kings Birthday Weekend)
- 10 July for July/August issue.
- 10 September for September/October issue.
- 10 November for November/December issue.
Each issue normally contains Technical and General articles of interest to amateur radio operators. Sometimes the articles are of a more general nature with some flavour of radio mixed into the article somewhere!
In addition, each issue contains a number of columns from various authors covering activities from AREC, DX, Satellites, QSL Bureau and more.
As the official journal Break-In contains information about the association, important news and announcements, AGM news and Remits plus the Annual Accounts. As magazine it has a wealth of information with many members having copies going back to the very first issue produced in January 1928!
You can contact the Editor via email to
As a FREE service we have provided a sample PDF of Break-In for you to download and read – January/February 2020 issue