Stew Rolfe, GWØETF (left) presenting award to Bill Cross,
GØELZ (right) at ROA annual meeting in Liverpool, England
The Radio Officers’ Association (ROA) comprised of nearly 400 former professional Radio Officers, half of whom hold amateur licenses, highlights the history and accomplishments of more than 100 years of professional maritime and aeronautical radio.
ROA’s ongoing efforts preserve CW as a vital communications medium by serving as a repository of the history of the role of CW in maritime and aeronautical communications through publication of its long-time journal plus many activities: maintaining local ongoing CW mentoring and training programs and special events aimed at introducing youngsters to the art and value of CW; running a regular CW net in which transmissions use (as much as possible) commercial Maritime Q-signals and abbreviations; supporting wireless- and maritime- related museums such as the Marconi Center at the site of the first transatlantic signal sent on 12th December 1901. The ROA also supports other CW-related museum displays and activities, including CW Radio Rooms on the Planet Lightship, in the Rangefinder Tower at Fort Perch Rock Battery, and on the tug France Hayhurst. These organized activities as well as others operated and supported by ROA members demonstrate outstanding commitment to the history and future of CW.