ZL Autumn and Winter Sprints
- For amateur radio stations to contact as many other amateur radio stations as possible within the 1.5 hour time limit
- To improve operator skills
- To have fun!
Results are available below:
- 2024 Winter Sprints Final Results
- 2024 ZL3NB Memorial Autumn Sprints Final results
- 2023 Winter Sprints Final results
- 2023 Autumn Sprints Final results
- 2022 Winter Sprints Final results
1. When
Each Tuesday in April and August
- 0800-0829 UTC (2000-2029 NZST) CW only
- 0830-0859 UTC (2030-2059 NZST) SSB only
- 0900-0929 UTC (2100-2129 NZST) FT4 only
2. Band
3. Operator Category
Single Operator, one transmitted signal only, assistance allowed and one of:
- Open – 100W maximum CW/SSB (by convention, select “Low” power in your contest logger)
- QRP – up to 5W CW, 10W SSB and 5W FT4
Each mode will be scored seperately
4. Exchange
CW/SSB RS(T) report and Outside Temperature to the nearest degree. You can get the temperature from the Metservice website, put a thermometer outside, or take the predicted overnight low from the newspaper/radio. Failing all that, your best estimate. Once you start, don’t change it. On CW use “m” to denote a minus if the temperature is below zero.
FT4 4-digit Maidenhead grid-square locator
6. Scoring
One point per contact CW, SSB and FT4. You can work a station once in each mode.
NOTE: There are no multipliers.
The final score is the sum of the contact points.
7. Suggested Frequencies
- CW 3520-3550 kHz
- SSB 3630-3660 kHz
- FT4 3575 kHz
8. No QSY rule
You do not need to move frequency after you call CQ and work a station. However in the spirit of robust competition it is expected no one will simply sit on one frequency for the duration of the sprint.
9. Example QSOs
ZL3AB: ZL3XYZ 599 m1
ZL3XYZ: 599 5
ZL3AB: CQ ZL3AB Contest
ZL3AB: ZL3XYZ 59 minus 1
ZL3XYZ: 59 5
ZL3AB: Thank you ZL3AB Contest
Note you may need to use phonetics depending on band conditions and strength of signal
CQing station: CQ ZLS ZL3AB RE66
Answering Station: ZL3AB ZL3XYZ RE64
Answer: ZL3AB ZL3XYZ RR73
CQer: ZL3XYZ ZL3AB 73 (or any appropriate acknowledge message)
10. Logs
Only logs in electronic format are acceptable. Cabrillo format is preferred however ADIF, plain text, a word document or excel spreadsheet will be accepted. As a minimum the log must contain:
- Callsign
- Name of operator
- Claimed Score
- Incredibly witty Soapbox comment or failing that feedback on what you liked and didn’t like about the sprint.
Download the UDC file for N1MM+ Logger here. Unzip into the This PC/Documents/N1MM Logger+/UserDefinedContests folder.
For FT4 we recommend WSJT-X v2.6.1. To set up the exchange under “Settings” choose the “Advanced” tab. Tick “Special Operating Activity” and then “WW Digi contest”. Also tick “CQ with special contest name” and put “ZLS” in the contest box.
Although you can incorporate WSJT-X into N1MM logger, we will accept a separate cabrillo file from your CW/SSB cabrillo file if you simply wish to generate it out of WSJT-X. Since you can generate a cabrillo file directly out of WSJT-X you have no excuse not to send one!
11. Log Submissions
By email only to markzl3ab@gmail.com within 24 hours of the end of the sprint. Results will be sent out on the major email reflectors and published here.
12. Change Log
10 July 2023
- Changed power to 100W Maximum to align with other NZART Contests
June 2022
- First release of the rules
December 2022
- Altered to incorporate the Autmn Sprints
7 June 2024
- Added FT4