NZART Sangster Shield
Presented to the amateurs of New Zealand by Mr Ralph Sangster in 1927. It is NZART’s longest standing amateur contest.
Ralph intended that the shield be awarded annually to the CW station obtaining the highest score in a low power contest. In this respect it should be pointed out, that in addition to the efficiency of the equipment used, the efficiency of the operator is of the utmost importance. To win this contest marks an operator as one who not only knows how to obtain the most effectiveness from low power but also one who is most proficient in the art of telegraphic communication.
The next Sangster Shield contest will be held on Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th May 2025
Results from previous years contests are available below:
- 2024 Sangster Shield results
- 2023 Sangster Shield results
- 2022 Sangster Shield results
- 2021 Sangster Shield results
- 2020 Sangster Shield results
- 2019 Sangster Shield results
- 2018 Sangster Shield results
- 2017 Sangster Shield results
- 2016 Sangster Shield results
- 2015 Sangster Shield results
- 2014 Sangster Shield results
- 2013 Sangster Shield results
- 2012 Sangster Shield results
- 2011 Sangster Shield results
- 2010 Sangster Shield results
- 2009 Sangster Shield results
- 2008 Sangster Shield results
- 2007 Sangster Shield results
- 2006 Sangster Shield results
- 2005 Sangster Shield results
- 2004 Sangster Shield results
- 2003 Sangster Shield results
Sangster Shield Rules
- When: Third full weekend of May each year, between the hours of 0800-1100 UTC (2000 NZST-2300 NZST) on each evening of Saturday and Sunday. The maximum period of operation will be six hours (12 operating periods of 30 minutes each).
- Power: The output of the transmitter must not exceed 5 Watts PEP. Overseas contestants may use any power up to the maximum permitted by their licence.
- Band: 80m
- Contacts:
- CW to CW between New Zealand stations and between New Zealand and overseas stations only
- QSOs with any one station are permitted once only each half hour, based on a “complete half hour”, e.g. 0800 to 0829 UTC (2000 to 2029 NZST) then 0830 to 0859 UTC (2030 to 2059 NZST) and so on
- It is not permissible to claim QSOs with the same station “twice running”, i.e. at the end of one half hour period and at the beginning of the next, unless a different station is contacted by one of the two stations between QSO’s, or a time delay of at least 5 minutes elapses between QSO’s
- Logs:
- A4 size paper or NZART log sheets and Summary Sheet (see 5 c. below). The Contest Manager will also accept emailed entries. Logs and summary sheets must be sent as attachments and can be in plain text, Cabrillo, MSWord or Excel formats
- Data in this order: Date, Time, Contacted Station Callsign, Exchange Sent, Exchange Received, Points Claimed
- And on a separate Summary Sheet (PDF Template here or Word template here)
- Entrant’s callsign, name and address in BLOCK LETTERS
- Number of contacts with New Zealand stations
- Number of contacts with Overseas stations
- List of different branches worked with the number of each branch plus the callsign of the station claimed for that branch
- Total score. – (total points multiplied by the number of branches worked)
- Description of equipment, antenna and output power used
- State which Section of the contest is being entered. See §9. Awards. Note that all entrants (except those submitting check logs only) will qualify for the Sangster Shield Open Section
- Signed declaration that all contest rules have been observed
- Please provide your email address to allow the Manager to easily communicate if there are any issues to clarify, advise the placings list etc. Note that the Contest Manager will not enter into correspondence with Contestants once the results have been published
- Comments on incidents, band conditions or other observations are encouraged
- Exchange:
- New Zealand stations – RST followed by contact serial number beginning at 001 followed by branch number e.g. 599 001 11 Indicating a 599 report; first contact and branch 11
- Overseas stations – RST plus a contest serial number beginning at 001 e.g. 599 001
- Scoring:
- New Zealand Contestants:
- New Zealand to Overseas with full exchange – 10 points
- New Zealand to New Zealand with full exchange – 5 points
- Overseas Contestants: Overseas to New Zealand with relevant exchange – 10 points
- New Zealand Contestants:
- General:
- All New Zealand entrants must be financial members of NZART, except for first time entrants for the Transistor Trophy who have been licensed for less than 1 year
- All Radio Regulations must be observed
- Final score is total points multiplied by the number of branches worked
- Contacts with stations giving a Contestant’s own branch are OK for contact points but are not to be counted as a multiplier
- Mobile or Mobile/Portable operation is permitted for New Zealand stations, however, the station must be operated from one location each evening
- Discounted Contacts: The Contest Manager expects that participating stations will provide a fair chance for all entrants to make contact with them. While it is not intended to discourage contestants from operating only part of the full contest it is considered that at least 20 contacts should be made and station operation should be over at least 3 half hour operating periods for full credit. Stations considered to have worked less than this requirement will have their branch multiplier contribution deducted from contest logs & may also have their contacts deleted if, in the Contest Manager’s opinion, they have favoured some entrants at the expense of others.
- Awards
- SANGSTER SHIELD OPEN SECTION: to the highest scoring entrant observing the rules as enumerated. (Note that all entrants qualifying for the Transistor Trophy or Arthur Stevens Trophy will also be eligible for the Sangster Shield Open Section)
- TRANSISTOR TROPHY: to the highest scoring entrant observing the rules as enumerated who is entering the contest for the first time. Entrants who are not NZART members must give their Operator’s Certificate number together with date of issue to show they have not been licensed for more than 1 year
- The “ARTHUR STEVENS (SOUTH ISLAND) TROPHY” will be presented to the highest scoring South Island entrant. This trophy is in honour of Arthur, formerly ZL1MT, a long time stalwart of the Sangster Shield Contest
- PDF Certificates will be emailed to the three highest scoring entrants in the Sangster Shield Open Section, the Transistor Trophy and the Arthur Stevens (South Island) Trophy. These high quality colour PDFs can be printed on certificate card for a few dollars at your local stationery outlet.
- PDF Certificates will be emailed to Overseas entrants with the highest score in their respective call areas. e.g. VK2, VK7
- TONY FLETCHER (ZL2ALJ) MEMORIAL TROPHY is awarded to the NZART branch with the highest aggregate score from a minimum of three entrants. The top three scoring entrants for any branch will automatically be aggregated – it is not necessary for a branch to send in an entry for this section. This Branch Trophy is an engraved miniature commemorative plaque awarded to the winning branch. This award is funded by Wellington Branch 50 from a bequest from the estate of long time Sangster Shield contestant Tony Fletcher, ZL2ALJ (SK)
- With the exception of the Tony Fletcher (ZL2ALJ) Memorial Trophy, all trophies remain at NZART Headquarters due to the risk of loss.
- Logs must be posted or emailed (see §5. Logs) to reach the Contest Manager, Glenn Kingston ZL2KZ, 53 Tannadyce Street, Wellington 6022, on or before the fourth Saturday after the contest. Emailed logs to be sent to by the same date.
For N1MM users, there is a UDC file available on the N1MM website.
Last Updated: 22 January 2025
Change Log:
3 Oct 2023 – added PDF Certificates from 2024