NZART Memorial Contest
The NZART Memorial Contest has been held every year since 1946 to commemorate those New Zealand amateur radio operators who lost their lives in World War 2.
The contest is held every year on the Saturday and Sunday of the first weekend of July.
The 2024 Memorial Contest dates are 6th and 7th of July.
Results from previous years contests are available below:
- 2024-Memorial Contest Results
- 2023-Memorial Contest Results v2 – updated 28 August 2023
- 2021-Memorial Contest Results
- 2020-Memorial Contest Results
- 2019-Memorial Contest Results
- 2018-Memorial Contest Results
- 2017-Memorial Contest Results
- 2016-Memorial Contest Results
- 2015-Memorial Contest Results
- 2014-Memorial Contest Results
- 2013-Memorial Contest Results
- 2012 Memorial Contest Results
- 2011-memorial Contest Results
1. When
Saturday & Sunday of the first weekend in July each year
0800 – 1100 UTC (2000 – 2300 NZST)
Three one-hour operating periods each evening.
2. Band
80m only – A station may be contacted twice during each operating period – once on SSB and once on CW, provided that
contacts are not consecutive.
3. Operator Categories
- Single Operator
- Multi Operator – intended for use by clubs/groups. Only one transmitted signal permitted at any time
Use of the DX Cluster and/or Reverse Beacon Networks are permitted for all entrants. No self-spotting.
4. Mode Categories
- Mixed mode – SSB and CW
- CW only
- SSB only
5. Power Categories
- Open – 100W maximum CW/SSB (by convention, select “Low” power in your contest logger)
- QRP – 5W CW/10W SSB maximum (ensure “QRP” is selected in your contest logger)
6. Exchange
RS(T) report plus a three digit serial number starting at 001 for the first contact and incrementing by one for each subsequent contact.
7. Scoring
A. | Contact Points: |
SSB – One point per contact | |
CW – Two points per contact | |
B. | Multipliers: |
Each different ZL, VK or South Pacific callsign prefix worked on SSB and CW is a multiplier. E.g. ZL1, ZL2, ZL3, ZL4, ZL5, ZL6, ZL7, VK1, VK2, VK3, VK4, VK5, VK6, VK7, VK8, VK9, VK0 are all multipliers. As are ZM1, ZM2, ZM3 etc. The Contest Manager expects that New Zealand stations using special prefixes (e.g. ZL6, ZM etc) will provide a fair chance for all entrants to make contact with them. While it is not intended to discourage contestants from operating only part of the contest it is considered that at least 40 contacts should be made and station operation should be over at least 2 operating periods (i.e. 2 hours) for full credit. Stations who have worked less than this requirement will have their multiplier contribution deducted from contest logs & may also have their contacts deleted if, in the Contest Manager’s opinion, they have favoured some entrants at the expense of others. |
C. | Claimed Score: |
The sum of the contact points multiplied by the number of different multipliers worked on each mode |
8. Logs
Electronic logs in cabrillo format are preferred. Please convert paper logs or other non-cabrillo logs using the online tool at
This contest is fully supported by N1MM Logger and VKCL version 4.11.2 or later. Both programs are free and produce cabrillo format logs. Operators have also used TR4W or Xlog. There is a UDC file for N1MM located here
Note: Printed/posted copies of electronic logs are not acceptable – send me the Cabrillo (yourcall.log or yourcall.cbr) file by email and save yourself a stamp!
9. Summary Sheet
These are required for all non-cabrillo format logs. MA sample summary sheet is available in PDF format here. These must be completed and attached or accompany all non-cabrillo format logs.
10. Log Submissions
By email as attachments: to
Paper logs (if any!) are to be posted to NZART Contest Manager, 38A Sneyd Street Kaiapoi 7630.
Logs must arrive no later than 31 July.
11. Certificates
- PDF certificates will be emailed to the following category winners who supply their email address with their log submission. These are suitable for printing at home or, for a few dollars, at a stationery outlet or photo shop.
- Open SSB and CW
- Open SSB
- Open CW
- QRP SSB and CW
- At the Contest Managers discretion, merit certificates may be awarded. Innovative, noteworthy, unique or appropriately commemorative entries will be considered
12. Change Log
June 2023
- Added Merit Certificate
May 2023
- Reintroduced the QRP Category
- Reintroduced 100W maximum power limit
- Added certificates
- Clarified prefixes as mults and the expectation that stations using a special prefix will make a reasonable number of contacts
- Added DX Cluster and RBN comment
May 2022
- Added multi operator category to encourage clubs/groups to use this contest for training operators
- Added an online log conversion tool for conversion of paper logs to cabrillo
- Updated Contest manager details
- Minor typo changes