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NZART Radioscience Education Trust

The NZART Radioscience Education Trust was established by The New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters Incorporated in January 1998.

The Trust was formed to help and encourage persons wishing to further their education in the science of radio.

The Trust derives its income from donations and invested capital. Prudent investment strategies are employed to maximise the benefits while protecting the fund long term. Donations to the Trust are encouraged and are eligible for Tax refunds in accordance with the IRD regulations.

Aims and Objects

  • To promote and encourage education in radioscience, whether by the payment of course fees for worthy candidates, the provision of prizes on a competitive basis for excellence in education activities, or otherwise as the trustees think fit.
  • To establish and maintain a trust fund and to apply the capital and income thereof wholly for the purposes of the Trust;
  • Generally, to do all things which may be deemed to assist in the promotion of any or all of the above mentioned objects.

Initially the main activity of the Trust was the provision of prizes (currently $100 each) at local Area Science and Technology Fairs. The paucity of suitable entries at these fairs encouraged the Trustees to widen the scope of grants approved to embrace the full range of radioscience education.
In keeping with the objects of the Trust applications for Grants in Radioscience Education may be made for:

  • Prizes for school Science Fair prizes
  • Grants in Aid for School projects.
  • Course fees for Students studying radioscience related subjects.
  • Study grants for radioscience education projects
  • Support for open radio “Buildathons” or similar youth radio programs.
  • Scout or similar youth group educational radio projects.

Applications for a NZART Radioscience Education Trust Grant

Applications are invited from Schools, Educational Institutes, Clubs and Individuals. Applications must have an educational aspect in radioscience, i.e. the use of electromagnetic waves, or other aspects associated with the generation or reception of the same. on the secondary school science teachers for Grants from the NZART Radioscience Education Trust to promote the development of projects in the general areas of radio and/or electronics.

It is anticipated that these projects will lead to entries in the local area Science and Technology Fair. For distribution, grants not exceeding $250 are envisaged.

Applications should be received no later than 30 April in the year of application.

Application forms may be obtained from:

Applications should be endorsed by the Head of Science.

Notes for Grant applicants

  1. Applicants must be practising science teachers.
  2. Purpose for which grant is requested. This should explain briefly for what the grant is requested and how it will be used.
  3. Item(s) requested and cost. Evidence of cost(s) of items requested should be included. This could be a supplier’s quotation or copy of a current price list, etc.
  4. The support of the NZART Radioscience Education Trust must be acknowledged in any public display or report, etc.
  5. Applications must be endorsed by the School Principal or the Head of Science.

It should be clearly understood that the prime objective of grants from the Trust is to assist in furthering the student’s interest in aspects of radio and electronics.

Projects should be viable in the sense that they are likely to lead to an exhibit in the local Area Science and Technology Fair.
However, at the conclusion of the project, any materials and/or equipment purchased with this grant shall normally remain the property of the school.

Donation and Bequests

Many in the Association and elsewhere have had an experience through Amateur Radio that has enriched their lives, or perhaps seen or heard of something special. Something that you too may wish to perpetuate and pass on to the next generation. The NZART Radioscience Education Trust is a vehicle that can help to make that happen. By making a donation or bequest to the Trust you not only ensure the continuation of the Trusts activities; you have a tax advantage as well.

Donation and Bequests over $5 are tax deductible in accordance with Section KC 5 of the Income Tax Act 1994. These and other details are available from the Trustees.

The Trustees

The Trustees of the NZART Radioscience Education Trust are long serving members of the Association who are held in high regard, freely giving of their time and effort, without any reward for themselves. They are:

Terry Carrell ZL3QL Christchurch
Jim Meachen ZL2BHF, Nelson
Gwynne Rowe ZL1AAR, Auckland

Contact Information

To contact the Trust via e-mail:

All enquiries to the Trust should be addressed to the Trustees at:

NZART Radioscience Education Trust,
33 Ryeland Ave,