Anyone interested in Amateur Radio is welcome to join the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters Inc. (NZART)
Subscription Rates: 2025
NZART new membership form 2024
- Standard Subscription: $125
- Student Subscription: $10 (Student ID required)
- Family Subscription: $155.00 (standard + $30.00)
- Overseas Airmail: $165.00
- Life and 60-year members: Free
The subscription year is 1 January to 31 December (a calendar year). Subscriptions are due by 31st December for the following year, that is, paid in advance.
Standard subscription rate applies for Transmitting, Non-Transmitting, Associate and Branch.
The new membership form can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking on the thumbnail on to the right.
The easiest way to pay your subscription is by direct credit to our bank account: BNZ 02 0772 0209760 00
Please don’t forget to include your call sign and membership number as a reference!
NZART Membership Categories
- Full: All transmitting and non-transmitting members unless specified otherwise.
- Family: When two or more members reside at the same address, all are in the same family, and only one Call Book and Break-In are required. Fee is one Full membership plus an additional 33% rounded to the nearest dollar
- Associate: Firms, libraries, schools, etc. Fee is Full membership payment
- Branch: Any NZART Branch or NZART affiliate group
- Overseas: Any overseas subscription. Fee is Full membership payment less GST. (Additional payment for Airmail)
- Concessionary: Reduced subscription due to personal circumstances may be granted by the General Secretary, but normally only after enquiries to the member’s Branch. The Fee is dependent on circumstances, but reviewed annually. Details are confidential
- Complimentary: Sister societies (e.g. WIA, RSGB, ARRL, etc) and other groups which provide NZART with a free copy of their magazine
- 60-year: Any member with 60 or more years unbroken NZART membership. No Fee
- Life Member: Any member honoured with “Life Membership”
- Student: Under the age of 25 years who is a full-time student at a school or tertiary institute. Fee $10. Student ID to be provided.
Pro rata subscription information
New members joining late in the year may do so with their subscriptions proportional on a quarterly basis (pro rata) to the annual subscription, unless the full year set of Break-In is requested.
Pro rata rates (by percentage) are based on when in the year a new member joins:
- 100.00% payable from 01 January to 31 March
- 75.00% payable from 01 April to 30 June
- 50.00% payable from 01 July to 31 September
- 25.00% payable from 01 October to 31 December
- Payment Options Available. If you wish to make regular monthly payments please contact NZART HQ.
- Concessionary rates may be available on application to the NZART HQ. All applications will be considered confidential.
- Subscriptions are set annually by Council in accordance with Clause 7 of the NZART Constitution
- Pro-rata payment option is not available on Student membership
- Your “Break-In” postings commence from start of the quarter when you join and run to the end of the year.