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2019 – Policy for NZART Endorsement of Amateur Activities


In some cases, amateur endeavours may need or seek the endorsement of NZART to implement a project that requires coordinated use of amateur spectrum resources.

For example, amateur satellite projects fall into this category because use of the amateur spectrum resources allocated to satellite communications extend beyond New Zealand and are coordinated via the IARU.

Similarly, with repeater systems, coordinated use is essential to avoid interference.

This policy addresses the expectations  of NZART if it is requested to endorse an amateur endeavour requiring coordinated access to amateur spectrum resources:


NZART expects the following for endorsement of an amateur operator project that requires coordinated use of the amateur spectrum within New Zealand or elsewhere:

  1. Affiliation with and endorsement of the project by an NZART Branch,
  2. Endorsement of the project by the NZART Administration Liaison Officer for any matter affecting New Zealand’s Radio Spectrum Management,
  3. Endorsement of the project by the NZART IARU Liaison Officer for any matter affecting international coordinated use of the amateur spectrum (i.e., via the IARU).

This policy was approved by the NZART Council on 3 June 2019.