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Election 2025


Election 2025-2027

An election for the President and Executive Council of NZART is held every two years.

The next election for the 2025-27 years is now open. All persons of the new NZART Council which take over after the Saturday AGM of Conference 2025.

Once nominations close on 31 December 2024, the Returning Officer will advise if sufficient have been received, if an election is required or not and the results. If an Election is required, then this will be advised in the January/February issue of Break In

Voting closes 20 March 2025

I, Mark Gooding, inform Association members that the Council of NZART have appointed me to be the Returning Officer for the purposes of an election to be held for the office of President and for the Executive Council of NZART in March 2025.

Accordingly, I now issue the following notice of Election.

I hereby call for nominations for the office of President and for the Executive Council of NZART 

Nominations are to be addressed to the Returning Officer NZART Headquarters, PO Box 40 525, Upper Hutt 5140 and must be received by me on the first business day after 31 December 2024.

Every nomination shall be in writing and shall be signed by the person nominating and a seconder and shall be countersigned by the member nominated.

A member may be nominated for either or both the office of President or Councillor.

In the election for Council only members, members must also include whether they normally reside in the North or South Island, where applicable.

Nominees MUST submit biographical details and a suitable photo to the Returning Officer at the address above or via email ( prior to 10 January 2025, for inclusion in  the January/February 2025 issue of Break In. Endorse the envelope “BIOGRAPHY”. The Returning Officer, (who has the authority to edit details submitted) suggests a limit of 200 words.

The Constitution reads as follows:

Part 3 Management and Control of the Association

3.iv. Six Executive Councillors with a minimum of two Councillors who reside in the North Island and a minimum of two Councillors who reside in the South Island. If there are insufficient candidates nominated from either island then the remaining councillors may reside anywhere in New Zealand. The remaining two positions are made up of members from anywhere in New Zealand who obtained the highest votes are elected to council (subject to clause Schedule A 1 c).

Based on the nominations received I believe that those nominated above are elected to Council and that the incoming Council will fill the vacant Councillor position as a casual vacancy.

3.7 e. Any vacancy so created is a casual vacancy and the position is to be filled by the unsuccessful candidate from the election immediately prior, with the next highest votes. If the candidate is unable to take up office, the next unsuccessful candidate shall be offered the role. Where no candidates are available to take the position, a member eligible for the office may be appointed to fill the position until the next executive council takes office. Any executive position not filled at an election, is deemed a casual vacancy under this clause.

For the avoidance of doubt, if a councillor relocates residence to the other island, they may continue to serve their term.
Mark Gooding
Returning Officer

If you have any questions about the election process contact NZART Headquarters.