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NZART Conference Locations since 1947

A common complaint around the water-cooler in the past has been that the conference is ‘always in xxxxx’.

This chart was added to help quiet that argument a little by showing that the conference has been spread around pretty evenly over the years taking into account where the bulk of Members live.

Location North Island Year(s) Number
Auckland 51,56,63,76,81,01,10 7
Pukekohe 93 1
Hamilton 61,90,97,15 4
New Plymouth 72,86,94,05,19 5
Rotorua 75,17 2
Whakatane 88 1
Gisborne 69 1
Napier/Hastings 57,67,78,82,09,21 6
Palmerston North 53,58,65,71,84,07,23 7
Wanganui 87 1
Bulls 91 1
Masterton 89,03,13 3
Upper Hutt 79,00,11 3
Wellington 47,48,49,54,60,73,96,20*,22 9
Whangarei 98 1
   Total North Island:  52
Location South Island Year(s) Number
Nelson 66,02,12 3
Blenheim 95,04,14 3
Christchurch 50,55,64,74,85,92,99,06,16,24 10
Dunedin 52,62,70,77,83,08,18 7
Invercargill 59,68 2
Greymouth 80,20* 2
   Total South Island:  27
   Grand Total:  79


* Due to COVID-19 this conference was cancelled. An NZART only AGM was held in Wellington on Saturday 5 September 2020.