Advertising in Break-In
Hamads up to 50 words are free as a service to members but the following conditions will apply:
A single, free Hamad in each issue of Break-In is only available to financial members and Branches of NZART buying or selling personal equipment. Members and Branches wishing to use this service must include their NZART Membership Number or other evidence of membership.
Each free Hamad is limited to 50 words; any extra words will be charged at the current rate of 25 cents per word, telephone numbers count as two words each, e-mail addresses and Call Book address as three words each. All prices include GST.
Free Hamads will also be accepted for sales of deceased estates where the member was a financial member of NZART during the past twelve months and from branches who are financial members of NZART (i.e. have a Membership No).
Advertisements are accepted in good faith from amateurs and may only be used be the sale of used radio and allied equipment. The Association, or its representatives, can take no responsibility for them nor take part in any discussion resulting from sales or purchases; remember “Caveat emptor”. In case of dispute, the Editor’s decision is final.
Trade or business adverts, even from members, will not be accepted here, since this is a subsidised service to members.
Please send to E-mail:
Classified Advertisements
Are available to members, non-members and commercial firms offering products or services for sale, etc. All adverts not meeting the Hamad criteria will be considered to be Classified Advertisements.
Classified Advertisements will be charged at 50 cents per word. Bold type is available at 75 cents per word. For semi-display (i.e. rule above and below) add $5.00. All Classified Advertisements must be pre-paid, receipts will not be given. All prices include GST.
Please contact the Advertising manager. E-mail:
Display style adverts
Please contact the Advertising manager. E-mail:
Commercial Advertising:
Please contact the Advertising manager. E-mail:
The Editor and NZART Inc reserve the right to discontinue or decline any advertisement.