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Headquarters InfoLine

Headquarters InfoLine is the monthly bulletin of news from NZART Headquarters distributed by email.

HQ-Infoline-Special-Issue #79

The next HQ InfoLine 498 will be issued on 13th April 2025.

News and items of a general or technical interest are also included that are obtained from various amateur sources. The bulletins are e-mailed directly to Branches and to anyone who wishes to subscribe.

Submit news to Headquarters Infoline

We want your news!

Please send your news and events information to as an MS Word document, or as plain text.  Even though we publish in PDF, PDF documents can make it difficult to formatting the text for InfoLine.

InfoLine Contact Information


Postal Address:

InfoLine Editor
c/o NZART Headquarters
PO Box 40-525

This newsletter from NZART HQ: is the property of NZART; may be protected by privilege and copyright; if received in error may not be used, copied, or kept; is not guaranteed to be virus-free; may not express the views of NZART; do not designate an information system; and do not give rise to any liability for NZART.