Break-In Awards
- 2022 – 1. Best Technical Article: Designing a fox by Alan Page ZL3UJY.
2. Best General Article: Craig Crawford ZL3TLB for several well researched articles and fillers.
3. Best Columnist: Geoff Clark ZL3GA for his enthusiastic columnist contribution.
4. Long Service: Simon Watt-Wyness ZL1SWW for eleven years as a columnist. - 2021 – 1. Best Technical Article: Building a 40-15-10 m Dipole – November/December 2021 – Graeme Jury ZL2APV.
2. Best General Article: A Ham Radio Mountain Ultramarathon in Banks Peninsula – September/October 2021
– Chris Rae ZL4RA.
3. Best Columnist: Murray Greenman ZL1BPU(SK) – for his Digitalmodes Column.
. - 2020 – 1. Best Technical Article: Improved Performance for the Si5351 VFO or Signal Generator –
July/Aug 2020 – Murray Greenman ZL1BPU.
2. Best General Article: Amateur Radio should be concerned about Wireless Power Transfer
– July/August 2020 John Moriarty ZL2JPM.
3. Best Columnist: For his regular “Milestones” and the independent mention of the assassination
of the Pacific Coast Watchers and the more cheerful “H-nights (1945)” in the Nov/Dec 2020
– Craig Crawford ZL3TLB.
- 2019 – 1. Best Technical Article: – Holger Hannemann ZL3IO – for “HF Terrain Analysis Parts 1 & 2”
– May/June and July/August.
2. Best General Article: Soren Low ZL1SKL – for “UTC Rollover, an excuse for a SOTA Adventure!”
– January/February.
3. Best Columnist: John Martin ZL1GWE – for his Monitoring Service Co-ordinator Column.
- 2018 – 1. Best Technical Article: – Murray Greenman ZL1BPU – A Way to Get Started on 630 metres
– in four parts throughout 2018.
2. Best General Interest Article: – Xenia Berger ZL4YL for her Youth Officer Report
– for her articles throughout the year.
3. Best Columnist Article: – Mark Sullivan ZL3AB – for his CQDX Column throughout the
year and the previous years.
- 2017 – 1. Best Technical Article: – Peter Mulhare ZL2IK for his article on QRSS, a low power mode for HF and LF
– September/October.
2. Best General Interest Article: – Jim Reed ZL1LC for his article on Ham made QRM on the Digital Channels
– November/December.
3. Best Columnist Article: – Gary Bold ZL1AN – for his articles throughout the year and the
previous thirty odd years before! - 2016 – 1. Best Technical Article: – Holger Hannemann ZL3IO – for his two articles, first on Station Automation:
Switching Antenna’s September/October and Station Automation: Antenna Stack Match & Controller
2. Best General Interest Article: – Douglas Birt ZL1BFS – for his articles throughout the year on
District Planning Matters.
3. Best Columnist Article: – Murray Greenman ZL1BPU – for his Digitalmodes Column.
Initiative and Sponsorship
These awards initiative and sponsorship comes from NZART via the Break-In Editors Honorarium.
Winners of the Award are announced at Conference each year, Each winner receives a certificate and a book prize (RSGB or ARRL Handbook for examples).
The awards, recognise the effort put in by those submitting content for publication to Break-In, in the year preceding their reception of the award.
The awards are presented for content supplied from 1 January to 31 December of the preceding year (e.g. Awards presented in 2017 are for the 2016 year).
The Awards are for:
1. Best Technical Article
2. Best General Interest Article
3. Best Columnist Article
The Break-In Editorial Team make the decision each year on the winners.