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Keep in touch with NZART news

There are a few ways to keep in touch with NZART news and information:

  • Break-In is the official journal of the NZART and is published six times a year for all members.
  • InfoLine is out bi-weekly email newsletter which covers many topics is the primary source of news by email.
  • If you’re a Facebook user you can follow @theNZART which will alert you to important updates on the website, events and when Infoline is published if you don’t like Email subscription services.
  • If you’re a Twitter user you can follow @NzartOnline which will alert you to important updates on the website, some events and when Infoline is published if you don’t like Email subscription services.
  • If you’d like to keep in touch with club and branch news there is the Branch Newsletters mailing list which re-distributes a number of newsletters from around the country under a single email subscription.

Aside from the news, there are a couple of ways to keep in touch that are a bit more social:

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