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VHF/UHF/SHF Record Claim Rules

The rules for claiming a New Zealand distance record are as follows:

  1. Any distance record claimed must either exceed any previously recognised New Zealand distance record or be the first record claimed for that band or mode.
  2. Participants involved in the record attempt must operate within the constraints of the Radio Regulations that applied at that time.
  3. NZART Council resolves disputes regarding claims.

These guidelines and notes are to assist you with to claiming a distance record:

Distance records have been extending on most bands and require increased commitments and higher standards by operators. The holders of previous record claims encourage you to be committed to bettering their achievements and by to maintain those standards. Please ensure that you have submitted as much information as possible to ensure that your claim is successful.

Claimants must consider the following guidelines and notes when attempting a record setting contact. These details are based on internationally recognized rules and best-practice procedures.

Individual claimants must be aware that personal information provided by them when claiming a record is being collected for the purpose of retention, on-going communication and disclosure for the management of record claims. Information provided may be published in records, journals and in media releases of by NZART.

When claiming a distance record the applicant(s) must supply evidence of that contact event including statements giving each of the following:

  1. State that the operators involved in the contact were operating within the constraints of the Radio Regulations that applied at that time.
  2. That both stations were capable of supporting both reception and transmission using the chosen mode and frequency band without the need to relocate or swap the station(s) equipment or operator(s) between the stations during the two-way contact.
  3. That both stations were attended and operated by licensed operators and that no automated response systems such as robots, repeaters, packet stations etc were used.
  4. That both stations remained stationary during the exchange of the required information and completed the valid contact within a one-hour period.
  5. That a valid contact has taken place and that all required information details have been exchanged.
  6. A declaration that the claim as has been made in accordance with rules above. Definition: Valid Contact

A valid contact is a single-band two-way simplex or full- duplex station -to- station contact that includes the exchange of the required information via the frequency band and mode stated. No other means of communication is to be used during the contact to support or to verify the two-way contact.

Definition: Required Information

Both stations exchange and confirm back to the other station:

  1. The call sign of operator or operating station,
  2. Unique information such as a signal report, and
  3. The station location.

Notes on Operating Mode

  1. A received signal that is a representation of a visual image such as a fast scan TV picture will be classed as a TV contact. Television contacts using wide frequency bandwidth >6MHz must use NZ specified standards. Television signals should include sound but visual information need not be in colour. The required information exchange must take place in video. The sound channel accompanying the vision signal is not deemed acceptable for the transmission of the required information exchange for a TV record claim but may be used to claim a voice record.
  2. A received signal that is a representation of some other visual image such as slow scan TV, Facsimile or Data using normal audio bandwidth, this will be classed as an OTHER VISUAL or DATA contact.
  3. A received signal that is a representation of a human voice and can be resolved and heard with the human ear as plain language will be classed as a VOICE contact. These contacts would frequently use SSB, AM, FM and DV as the chosen transmission mode.
  4. A received signal that is a representation of a coded string of Morse signals will be classed as a CW contact.

Notes on Station Operation

  1. Audio and video recordings and still photographs not only help to document your record attempt but also serve as a useful historical record of technical achievement. Remember to date and print the location and date information on your photographs.
  2. Considerable effort goes into a record attempt and you must be prepared to operate your station in any available transmission mode available.
  3. A witness account of your contact may be entered with your application for verification but your witness may not also claim the record contact.
  4. QSL cards exchanged between the stations are not required but give both stations a personal record of the contact.

Notes on Distance Claim Distance Verification

  1. All distances will be computed using a certified ellipsoidal program having the values for the earth’s radius of 6378.140 km at the equator and 6356.755 km at the poles.
  2. NZ reference map coordinates should be used when ever possible to report your exact location, eg Infomap 260series. GPS readings for positions may also be provided as supporting documentation to map coordinates, and should use the New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 (NZGD49).
  3. The Records Coordinator may apply a margin of error when computing distances. This margin is at the discretion of the Records Coordinator and may vary based on the technique used and accuracy applied in determining the station(s) exact position(s) by the claimant. Records claimed may not succeed if the increase in distance from the previously recognized record falls within this margin.
  4. Claimants are encouraged to attempt records that are a significant increase on those claimed previously. Claimants should avoid claiming records for “One step Backward” record attempts.

Where should you send your claim?

Claims must be submitted to:

The VHF/UHF/SHF Record Coordinator
PO Box 40 525
Upper Hutt