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International Amateur Radio Union

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) is responsible for the management of spectrum and other telecommunications resources throughout the world.

Only governments are represented within the ITU, but the International Amateur Radio Union (representing national societies such as NZART) has official observer status and may attend and contribute to the preparatory work that precedes decisions.

This is of tremendous importance as it also ensures that Amateur Radio’s voice is heard at the country level when, for instance, the New Zealand Government consults in the formation of its position on matters governing the spectrum. IARU Headquarters, supported from the regions, is a respected voice in the consultation and preparation forums that precede World Radio Conferences.

This is how NZART plays its part in New Zealand

  • Maintains relationships with the New Zealand Administration – a part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) – and contributes to the NZ Radio Sector Forum that is their consultation mechanism for policies that affect radio spectrum usage,
  • Presents the position of Amateur Radio to other spectrum users on matters such as interference, new technologies, new spectrum opportunities and the contribution to society from amateur radio operations,
  • Collaborates with other national societies in their efforts to ensure that Amateur Radio interests and opportunities are advanced to their Administrations. (IARU Region 3 also works towards this same purpose),
  • Assists IARU Headquarters in any way it can.

The NZART Overseas Liaison Officer represents NZART in these activities.

Useful links

Region 3 Newsletters

All IARU regions now share a common web presence at and further information, newsletters and reports may be found there.