Society for the Preservation of Amplitude Modulation
Aims and Objects
To preserve amplitude modulation as a means of amateur radio communication.
S.P.A.M. is an informal group of interested people. Nearly all are licenced amateurs but don’t have to be and you don’t have to be an NZART member to join us. In order to keep expenses to a minimum, membership lists, financial statements, and any other information required will be sent by e-mail on request.
The Annual General Meeting is held annually the Sunday of the NZART Annual Conference weekend..
There are nets operating at present on AM as follows:
Friday evenings: 3.850 MHz at 8:30 PM local time year round. The net controller has the special call sign ZL6AM.
Monday mornings: 3.850 MHz at 11:30 local time year round. The net is usually controlled by ZL1ZLD, the Musick Point Memorial Radio station, Bucklands Beach, Auckland.
Forty meter AM activity is often found on a Sunday, 7.120- 7.125 MHz.
Those interested are urged to call CQ AM on 3.850 MHz or 7.125MHz.
Subscription is $5 payable, once only on joining. You will receive a certificate suitable for framing.
Prospective members should fill out the form available here:
Newsletters are sent out regularly by e-mail, presently combined with the Musick Point Radio Group’s monthly newsletter. They are sent by blind copy method so individual’s addresses are not circulated.
The newsletter includes AM news, requests for information, wanting to buy and sell parts and equipment. Any contributions relevant to AM is always welcomed by the editor.
Secretary/Treasurer/Newsletter Editor:
Martyn ZL3CK