QSL Bureau
The NZART Inbound QSL Bureau is a free service for all New Zealand Amateurs and Short Wave Listeners, the outbound service is provided as part the NZART membership, or at a small cost to any New Zealander.
The saying goes that the final courtesy of the QSO is the QSL card. Particularly for DX, or long-distance contacts the tradition of exchanging QSL cards simply out of courtesy or to collect cards for awards goes back to the very beginning of Amateur radio.
Some amateurs collect cards veraciously, while others just keep ones for rare or interesting locations.
The NZART QSL Bureau is one of a network of approximately 185 bureau established by the IARU to facilitate the exchange of QSL cards between NZART members and radio amateurs and listeners throughout the world.
Special calls and DXpedition’s
If you, or your Branch, put on a special event/contest station using a special call–sign allocation for the duration thereof, or partake in a DXpedition, please notify the QSL Bureau Manager and supply him with the relevant QSL Manager info!
Any further information concerning the business of the QSL Bureau, or requests for info on DX station QSL Managers/direct mall addresses (we will do our best to assist!) can be obtained from the:
The QSL Manager
PO Box 857
Wanganui Mail Centre
WANGANUI 4541E-mail: qsl@nzart.org.nz