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Old Timers’ Club

Established May 1953

The objects of the Old Timers’ Club (ZL) are set out in our Constitution, first adopted on the 23rd October, 1954 and with subsequent updates.

They are as follows:

  • To recognize service to Amateur Radio
  • To revive and maintain interests and good fellowship among the older members in the common cause.
  • To offer advice and encouragement to newer Amateurs

The Club is affiliated to the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (Inc), (NZART).

The OTC Annual General Meeting is held on the Sunday morning of Queen’s Birthday weekend (in conjunction with the NZART Conference).

All Officers of the Club are elected annually. The Club has at its Annual General Meeting power to elect an Honorary Life OTC Membership to any person, or persons in recognition of past, or present service to Amateur Radio.

Grand Old Man

The current Grand Old Man is Ivan Horn, ZL2ATU.  The GOM undertakes the role of President within the OTC organisation.

OTC Break-In Column

Articles relating to all aspects of OTC or vintage radio for publication in the Bi-monthly OTC Column of Break-In, copy from OTC members is most welcome.

Any material for the OTC Break-In Column should be sent to the OTC Scribe at:

HF SSB Radio Net

A National Single Side-band Net is held every Monday evening at 2030 hrs (NZ local time). The callsign is ZL6OTC. The frequency is 3.870 MHz. The Secretary, or his nominee gives the club news during the SSB Net.

Current OTC 80 m HF Net Controllers

  • Ivan Horn ZL2ATU
  • Jo Morrison ZL2JM
  • Don Dalrymple ZL3SZ
  • John Futter ZL2J
  • Hans Rinsma  ZL2IG

Contest: – Old Timers’ Award

There is an Old Timers’ Award open to all amateurs. You may participate in this, or even gain the award for yourself. To do so, will require to contact ten (10) other OTC Members exchanging. names and OTC Membership numbers and the log should then be sent to the OTC Secretary together with $5.00 to cover costs of the award certificate. Contacts for this award are not permitted during the OTC Nets but can possibly be arranged once they are finished for the day.

Award – OTC Montgomery Cup

Each year at the OTC AGM Conference members vote and award the OTC Montgomery Cup which was established back in 1953. This award is for the best OTC member article in Break-In over the past year. The recipient will have his, or her name scribed on it, the OTC Montgomery Cup is held at the NZART HQ. The OTC Secretary calls for nominations leading up to the AGM.

Joining OTC

Full membership is available to any holder of a ZL callsign who has held an amateur license for the last twenty five (25) years or more and is still an active amateur.

In addition, Associate Membership is available to any ZL amateur who has attained the age of sixty (60) years (and over) and has been an active amateur for ten (10) or more years. Voting privileges at the Annual OTC AGM are not available to Associate Members.

Application Forms for membership may be obtained from the OTC Secretary, or can be downloaded here. A one-time joining and membership fee of $10.00 is levied regardless of the membership level and should accompany your completed application form. New members will also receive a copy of the eminent OTC “Blue Book”, also an electronic copy if you had provided a valid email address and a “Welcome Letter”. Please note our bankers, Westpac will cease excepting cheques after June 2021. Internet banking details are available on request from the Secretary/treasurer.

Please follow-up with an email ( to the OTC Treasurer advising payment has been executed.

Evidence of eligibility, which is to be submitted shall include, full name, present callsign, original call, operator’s certificate number and date of original license. All applications for membership shall be proposed and seconded by present OTC members.

All members of the OTC are eligible to wear the Blue NZART Badge with callsign so long as they are financial members of NZART. This badge is available from NZART HQ at the current price of the similar black membership badges.

OTC Merit Certificates:

Handsome A4 size “OTC Merit Certificates” costing $10.00 can be applied for by those who attain 50, 60, 70 or 75 years of Amateur Service, this desirable certificate is printed on blue paper and are signed by the Grand Old Man (GOM).


The Grand Old Man – Ivan Horn ZL2ATU

Secretary/Treasurer and OTC Column Editor,
Kerry Frame ZL1VW

Postal Address for Old Timers Club:
Old Timers Club (OTC)
PO Box 7250
Wanganui 4541
New Zealand