NZART Awards
Going after Awards is one of the many pursuits of Amateurs. Awards are the result of pursuing some radio activity, usually involving making a number of contacts of a particular type. The award may be in the form of a certificate, plaque or trophy.
There are many Awards operated within New Zealand and around the world. For current details see the Current Call Book, or current issues of Amateur Radio Magazines, such as Break-In.
Many awards require membership of NZART or a sister national society. Most awards have a small cost toward the presentation that you get at the end of it.
Awards are a fun way of contacting new and different people in a more relaxed and informal manner than a contest.
NZART Awards
NZART currently offers 23 different amateur radio awards. They offer a range of challenges. Some are relatively easy to attain and others are very difficult. All awards are open to all licensed amateur radio operators and to shortwave listeners.
Details on NZART (New Zealand) Awards are availablehere
Please Note: The Counties Award is based on the old county boundaries that have been out of existence for many years. This award may be withdrawn at some future date. The Regions Award is the replacement award and is based on the current county boundaries, although Banks Peninsula is now part of Christchurch but for the Regions Award it will still remain as Banks Peninsula.
Awards Net
The Awards net every evening on 80m is a great place to start if you are able get on air on 80m.
You can join the Awards Net on:
Band/Frequency: 80m/3.677 MHz
Day/Time: Every night at 9pm New Zealand Time (year round)
And you can also see the Awards Column in Break-In or contact the NZART Awards Manager for more details.
IARU Region 3 Award
Note that the IARU Region 3 Award is no longer managed by the NZART. Please refer to the IARU website for the new award details:
For more Awards information contact the NZART Awards Manager via e-mail at:
Postal Address:
NZART Awards Manager
6 Willow AvenueStoke
Nelson 7011