DV Technical Talk Net

Digital Voice Technical Talk Net
Where: XLX299 module N (DV-Tech Talk) D-Star only connection.
Time: 19:30 – 20:30 (either NZST or NZDT)
Note: Timed to finish before the start of the Australian REF091C net held at 09:30 UTC
Dates: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month – commencing from 1 September 2021.
Mission Statement: Operators are encouraged to join the Net and ask questions or share information of a technical nature.
Topics such as Hotspots, Software Images, Dongle and RF devices, satellites, DX propagation and DV Repeater systems. Any DV mode can be discussed and the Net is not exclusive to any particular mode. For technical reasons D-Star Module N has been chosen.
Net Control: A Net Controller will accept net login by key up while watching the XLX299 dashboard (www.xlx299.nz) or by voice call.
Note: Audio Voice call is not mandatory because D-Star protocol uses call sign registration and is displayed during key up.
Voice sign off is recommended if you are leaving the net or addressing a particular operator to get their attention.
XLX299 N Logged in users will also be invited to report in and acknowledged if they only want to listen.
All participants pass back to Net Control who will in turn invite the next person to key up and speak. This allows a topic to be fully discussed and not lost if the “round robin” technique is used.
1 September 2021 is the opening night and I look forward to accepting your check in.
73 and good DV, John ZL2TWS/ZL2TWT
Useful links
- Main DVNZ website https://dvnz.nz
- XLX 299 Dashboard: www.xlx299.nz
John Wysocki
Digital Voice Technical Talk Net Controller