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2009 – Access by NZ Radio Amateurs to Spot Frequencies Near 5 MHz

Rules to be observed

  1. The “bands”: From 24 August 2006, subject to these rules and conditions, the licensee of two frequencies is permitting temporary access by radio amateurs on a non-interference basis to 5.3214 MHz and 5.3964 MHz. These are the “centre frequency” for 2K8 SSB emissions (i.e. ± 1.4 kHz). Note: This access is a privilege. These are NOT amateur bands,
    For easy amateur radio reference purposes, they will be given the convenience names:
    5320 = 5.3200 MHz to 5.3228 MHz and
    5395 = 5.3950 MHz to 5.3978 MHz.
    SSB transmissions to be as follows:
    USB with a suppressed carrier frequency (“dial”) of 5.3200 MHz, and
    USB with a suppressed carrier frequency (“dial”) of 5.3950 MHz.
    For narrower modes, any carrier frequency between the “band limits”, with appropriate spacing from the band edges determined by the emission bandwidth, may be used.
  2. Your equipment: Before operating, please check and confirm the frequency accuracy, the stability and the signal quality of your transmitting apparatus. Avoid creating adjacent-channel interference. Get it checked by a station you work.
  3. A major condition of access: Operation by radio amateurs on these two frequencies is on a strict NON-INTERFERENCE basis to any non-amateur user. This means that if the band is busy with other traffic, or if a non-amateur station suddenly appears, ALL AMATEUR traffic MUST CEASE. Failure to observe this requirement will jeopardise the access arrangement. These are NOT amateur frequencies.
  4. Operating practices: Normal amateur radio procedures and the requirements of the amateur radio GURL and the Radio Regulations are to be observed.
  5. Callsigns: AREC callsigns are to be used. NZART is working to gain an Amateur Allocation in this area and will keep membership advised of progress.
  6. Activities: These frequencies are to be used for recognised AREC activities only! NO amateur radio contests and NO amateur radio award activity is permitted at any time.
  7. Reports: Reports about your use of these two bands are required, to be sent by email to NZART HQ, Reports are important to ensure this access continuing and to provide and to collect information about the purpose being served by, and the usefulness of, frequencies near 5 MHz for amateur radio operations. The name and callsign of the reporter are requested for following-up for further experience information if needed later.

(These Rules developed by NZART, approved by the licensee of the two frequencies, and access conditions added to the two licences by RSM on 23 August 2006.)