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2020 – Special Callsign Policy

Special Callsigns: These are callsigns in the categories of Paragraphs B) to F) below.

There is opportunity for radio amateurs to express new and exciting things with Temporary callsigns and callsigns with longer suffixes for “Special” events.

Part B of PIB (Public information brochures) 46 limits their issue to twelve (12) months maximum.

Under section E) below NZART may also limit the use of a ZL6 callsign for a term shorter than twelve (12) months if approved by consultation.

Special callsigns also include shortened callsigns for slow-speed data communication purposes.

Every application for a “Special” callsign must be accompanied by a Call Sign Application form describing the purpose of the application.

The NZART ARX and the appointed specialist, discuss as a panel, to process each application as presented.

The re-issuing of the same Special callsign to the same operator or group, is permitted at the discretion of the NZART ARX. A letter based on the application form is to accompany the callsign approval notification to make clear, the purpose, restrictions and tenure of the approval and callsign.

The Trustee for a special event call sign, is responsible for the call sign, and therefore MUST maintain a log of persons/dates/times/events, requesting the use of said call sign. This log needs to be made available on request by the authorising authority RSM or NZART should any challenge arise over its use.

While not mandatory it is preferred that the Trustee be a member of NZART.

a) The NZART ARX to issue all ZL1, ZL2, ZL3 and ZL4, two, three and four letter suffix callsigns as approved by the ARX, and after the appropriate approval of overseas qualifications where necessary. (PIB46 refers)

b) ZL1, ZL2, ZL3 and ZL4 single letter suffix callsigns to be issued to any NZART Branch, Group or individual. The panel will define long term use with an early renewal under PIB46 or short-term event use terminating on a specific date.

c) ZL5 callsigns to be issued to any NZART Branch, Group or individual by the NZART ARX. Letter of authorisation to land and stay in the Antarctic must be supplied at the time of application.

d) ZL6 callsigns to be issued to any NZART Branch or Group by the NZART ARX, on approval from NZART Council. Council will define long term use with a yearly renewal under PIB46, or short-term use terminating on a specific date.

e) ZL7 callsigns to be issued to any NZART Branch, Group or individual by the NZART ARX.

f) ZL8 and ZL9 callsigns to be issued to any NZART Branch, Group or individual by the NZART ARX, providing a DOC Permit to land is submitted with the application and include specific dates of when operation required.


In the event of callsign matters arising that are outside this Policy Statement or which cannot be resolved, or in cases in dispute, the matter is to be promptly reported to the NZART President and Council. Callsign matters take time to properly analyse, consider and resolve. Time-pressure will not be accepted as a reason for requesting accelerated decision-making.

Customers of the NZART ARX Callsign Service are advised and expected to make requests within a reasonable time frame, to ensure thorough and proper processing can take place.


[1] PIB46 or
[2] PIB46 PDF Download or

Policy approved by NZART Council 3 November 2020.