What's On
NZART News, Updates and EventsFind out what’s on locally, nationally, and internationally
with the New Zealand Assocation of Radio Transmitters.
Image of Mount Climie – Submitted by NZART Upper Hutt Branch
Dedicated to Amateur radio since 1926, NZART is the a non-profit association of amateur radio operators in New Zealand and founding member of Region 3 of the IARU.
The members area is NOT yet available. Emails containing Log In information will be sent out to all current financial NZART members in batches in the near future. Further information will be provided.
What is Amateur Radio?
Amateur radio, also known as “ham radio”, is a hobby about experimenting and communicating using not only radio, but a range of technologies including satellites, the internet and even beams of light!
In New Zealand hams are licensed by the Radio Radio Spectrum Management (RSM). Once licensed, an amateur can operate two-way radio equipment from home, from vehicles and from anywhere in New Zealand and in many cases when overseas too.
Find your Local Branch
There are around 80 local branches across New Zealand, where you will find enthusiasts keen to help and guide you. Most branches will be also able to support you through the process of gaining your license and administer the required exams.