Inward QSL cards

The NZART QSL Bureau provides a free inward service for all New Zealand amateurs and listeners.

Collecting cards from the sub–bureau by members and non–members

If you have an out-of-zone callsign, you will need to contact the correct sub bureau manager directly to have cards sent on or received. e.g. A ZL4 call sign holder living in Auckland will need to contact the ZL4 Sub Bureau Manager for all inward/outward QSL cards.

Supply your particular QSL sub–bureau with a supply of suitable size self–addressed stamped envelopes (SASE’s) to receive your incoming cards. Envelopes should be numbered and “Last Envelope” marked on one so that you are reminded when to renew the supply. Please make sure that you include your call–sign on the front of your envelopes as each sub bureau only deals with call–signs and not with operators’ names. Any specific requests for forwarding cards should be printed on the back of the envelopes: for example “send monthly” or “send when there are 10 cards” etc.

Some Branches have special arrangements for “Branch postings” in place with the appropriate sub–manager. Contact your local Branch secretary for information. (The possible provision of this service is totally the prerogative of each individual sub–manager and there is no compulsion on any person to be a party to any such collective scheme.)


Brenda and Pater Scott,
35 Porterdown Ave,
Pakuranga Heights
Auckland 2010


Mr Tony Marr
4 Kent Street
Patea South
Taranaki 4520


Mr G Gooch ZL3AL
51 Belmont Avenue
Rangiora 7400


Mr Pete Leng ZL4TE
158A Williams Street
Cambridge 3434

Last Updated: 02 December 2022